all the single ladies... put your hands up!

Where love is, there God is also

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Caution: Plate is hot!

Can I just get a little pet peeve off my chest?
I mean, I love facebook as much as the rest of em.. probably even more cause I'm super nosy, but I hate it when people write stuff on their status like "its cancer awareness month, so post your profile picture with a friend who has had cancer, or post it with red in the picture." or something of the sort. Someone please help me understand how doing this will in ANY WAY help find the cure for cancer.
Anyway, okay.. off my soap box.  Today was fantastic... first off I had the day off which means sleeping in for me!  It was a bummer that its spring break, and its snowing outside the past two days, but I literally curled up and read a book all afternoon. (wink wink Blake didn't we have this conversation already?)  Anyway, took the nieces and nephew to the sure to be classic (NOT) "Hop," Then went and got my trash kicked at the game Rook.  Oh well, can't win em all.  I'm grateful for days like this, where life slows down enough to enjoy the ride.  :)

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