all the single ladies... put your hands up!

Where love is, there God is also

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

oh oh oh oh oh sometims I get a good feeling!

I know it's been a while since I last wrote.  You've all (all three of you??) survived the absence though I'm sure of it!  :)  November marked one year since I began my financial transformation.  So being a year and three months into it, I have made a significant mark on my financial freedom!  This leads me onto bigger (literally) and harder things. 
In January I went to see Hannah Curlee and Olivia Ward speak about their experience on "The Biggest Loser."  I came away feeling so inspired!  Hannah talked about this year being "YOUR YEAR!" and I wanted it to be true for me.  I want this year to be my year in so many ways.  So I'm putting my vision for it out there into this vast universe.  Loud and proud. 
By this time next year I want to be under 200 lbs, and to have completed a half-marathon. I also want to be winding up the last of my debt, and to either be IN a relationship, or to be pursuing one actively via requests to be set up, internet dating, and branching out to a new single's ward.  I also want to re-gain a closeness with my HF that I haven't really had as of late.  I think if I depend on Him more, He will be able to come through on his end of the bargains.
I feel the self doubt creep in about my weight, and then I think, WHY cant I?  So I'm hitting it hard ladies and gents.. This year is the year of taking CARE of myself..  I went to the chiropractor -aka voodoo Doctor yesterday for him to fix my wrists, so that wont be a hinderance.  Incidentally he also fixed my neck and I took the best nap I ever had afterwards.  I have an appointment with a dietician on march 1st, and I have a neice that's agreed to run the half with me.  Now we just have to decide which one!  Anyway, essentially, I am just wanting to send out all this -good-feeling- positive energy out into the universe so it can come back to and embrace me fully! 
I'm sending out my SOS! 


  1. Casey! I'm so glad you are having an AHA moment! Anytime you need a running buddy let me know! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!

  2. I didnt know you had a blog! Super cool. How are your goals going?
